Donatello Sculptor of Florence (1383-1466)
User Comments:Name: Mommy Date: 2002-12-09 Comments: hello i just want to say this is a lovely sculpture and it helped me on my project in school write back Name: Unknown Date: 2004-10-25 Comments: its missing a bronze strap for the slingshot though. inscribed on the strap was "to those who bravely fight for the patria [homeland] the gods will lend aid even against the most terrible foes." enjoy
how do you feel about the larger than life nudity of michelangelo's david?
Index of Artists
| Alberti, Leon Battista Angelico, Fra Giovanni Bartolommeo, Fra Bartolommeo, Don Bellini, Jacopo, Giovanni, and Gentile Botticelli, Sandro Brunelleschi, Filippo Buonaroti, Michelangelo da Correggio, Antonio da Fontormo, Jacopo da Panicale, Masolino da Settingnano, Desiderio da Urbino, Bramante da Vinci, Leonardo del Sarto, Andrea di Cosimo, Piero Donatello, Francesca, Piero Della Gallo, Guillano and Antonio Ghiberti, Lorenzo
| Ghirlandajo, Domenico Giovanni, Masaccio Lippi, Fra Filippo Lippi, Filippo Mantegna, Andrea Michelozzi, Michelozzo Perugino, Pietro Pinturicchio, Bernardino Pollajuolo, Antonio and Piero Quercia, Jacopo Dalla Raphael, Robbia, Luca Della Romano, Giulio Rosselino, Antonio Rosselli, Cosimo Rossi, Rosso Signorelli, Luca Veneziano, Sebastiano Verrocchio, Andrea